District 9 Leadership
District Directors - Colton Muller, DC | Keven Ellis, DC | Debra White, DC | Michelle Cobb, DC
Message from State Director
Welcome to TCA District 9! We are one of TCA’s most sprawling districts, covering Montgomery County, just north of Houston, and stretching across most of Southeast Texas. Stay tuned for details on upcoming activities in your area and get involved!
Welcome to TCA District 9! We are one of TCA’s most sprawling districts, covering Montgomery County, just north of Houston, and stretching across most of Southeast Texas. Stay tuned for details on upcoming activities in your area and get involved!
Upcoming Events
TCA Legislative Day
Thursday, March 6, 2024 7:30am - 4:00pm Austin, TX TCA Annual Conferences
District 9 Counties
Angelina, Cherokee, Grimes, Hardin, Houston, Jasper, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Montgomery, Nacogdoches, Newton, Orange, Polk, Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, Trinity, Tyler, Walker
Angelina, Cherokee, Grimes, Hardin, Houston, Jasper, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Montgomery, Nacogdoches, Newton, Orange, Polk, Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, Trinity, Tyler, Walker
Got a question? Reach out to the TCA office at (512) 477-9292 or email [email protected]